Einstein Bots
What is a Chatbot?
Chatbot is an application that converts or simulates the human conversation either via a text message or aloud. You don't have to interact with any sales rep or support person, but directly have a conversation with computer. You can connect to chatbot via talking or typing. It plays a huge role in building customer relationship.
Importance of Chatbot in Digital world
Chatbot gives an option to connect with customers and build relationships and also it is more smarter than email or any other communication options. For example- We have voice assistant at our home and we can ask anything whether it is about food, games, weather and etc. and answers are always intelligent and smart like humans do.
Chatbots and Artificial intelligence
Einstein is an Natural language understanding (NLU) technology that trains chatbots to create learning models. These learning models helps chatbots created with Salesforce to understand customer interactions in a chat window. It is the learning that helps in one of the major advantages of chatbots i.e. Automation. Automated response from NLU save people time and money. Bots answers the same set of questions again and again and saves the customer service reps time to help customers with more other complex questions.
Benefits of Chatbots
Till now, we understand that we now live in that era where we want everything instant and we now living in a mobile and web driven world. Customers expects a one to one service and response immediately and if they are not responded as per there expectations they might think to drop or leave the brand or product.
Fortunately, one of the benefits of chatbots is Speed. Other benefits includes-
Chatbot Terminology
Content is something which will give a better customer experience as what to say and what not is very important while thinking of bot content.
The best people who can suggest bot content are support agents who are working with customers on daily basis. Agents know customers, and they are on the front face so they are well aware of what kind of questions, concerns or issues customer can have.
Whenever any customers is coming and asking any questions a bot should always start with ''How can I help you''? and closing with always ''Thank you''.
Reference- https://trailhead.salesforce.com/content/learn/modules/service_bots_basics
Stay tuned for next blog where we will be learning about how to build an Einstein bot and setup...
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